Welcome to our blog. We are on a journey. This is an unwelcome journey. We are not out of the darkness and into the light yet so we cannot see the benefits of why this all happened. We are hoping someday we will be there, some day soon.For now we just want to have a place to share our journey with others so that maybe something we learn will help them. We also want to update those that are concerned for our mother. Our mother is Bonnie and she has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre-Syndrome (GBS). We are her daughters, Terry, Donna and Jeanie. This is our journey.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21, 2009

Mom had a few visitors from out of town the last week. Bill's daughter flew in to help then his grandson came with his wife for a quick visit. I came over today because Bill got sick in the middle of the night and had to go to the emergency room. He had pneumonia out of the blue. He was not sick yesterday, just really tired lately. Must be all the stress of my mom being sick.
Mom seems so much better, she even said she wished she could go back to work. She is walking without the walker already. She holds onto furniture and walls when she needs to. She is having some sciatica pain. The PT massaged her yesterday and that helped. The pain and numbness is still in her hands and feet so she increased the Nuerotin by 300mg today. We are definately on the road to recovery. Yeh!!....Jeanie

1 comment:

  1. Just came across your blog this morning. I've had CIDP for about 13 years now and just wanted to say I'm praying for your mom.
    With hope,
