Welcome to our blog. We are on a journey. This is an unwelcome journey. We are not out of the darkness and into the light yet so we cannot see the benefits of why this all happened. We are hoping someday we will be there, some day soon.For now we just want to have a place to share our journey with others so that maybe something we learn will help them. We also want to update those that are concerned for our mother. Our mother is Bonnie and she has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre-Syndrome (GBS). We are her daughters, Terry, Donna and Jeanie. This is our journey.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 24,2009

My mom played tennis today. That was a big step forward.

She called me up yesterday and said she wanted to play tennis tommorow and to sign us up for and hour at the courts. I said "really, are your serious?" She said really. So we played doubles.

Her fingers hurt like normal but not too bad. Her balance is still off which prevented her from running but she hit the balls fine and served fine. Not as good as she use to but the point is she did it. She actually played almost a whole set of tennis.

She still does her pool walks and exercises five days a week and she thinks that is making her stronger.

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  1. My mom has this too. She was diagnosed on January 8, 2009. She has a very severe type with Miller Fisher Syndrome and she got it from a flu shot in November. She still can't walk or feed herself or even sit up by herself and her eyesight has also been affected. This is a horrible disease. Your mom is lucky to have all of you. My siblings have acted horribly and my husband and I are all she has. Thank you for sharing your stories. Katie

  2. Katie, I am so sorry to hear this. It is very tough to go through all of this. It hits so unexpected.
