The upside to all this is mom had much to think about. The downside is it stressed her out and stress causes the GBS to act out. The stress caused her hands and feet to hurt more and her stomach to flair up all over again. She even had major heartburn in the middle of the night that caused her to gag. It made her afraid she might have to go to the hospital again. Terry was there to calm her down and tell her she was not going to the hospital, that it was just the heartburn and suggest she sit up in the chair in the living room. Terry sat up with her till 3am. Mom dosed off and finally went back to bed.
Another strange symptom is her ear itches. I gave her my garlic/mullen ear oil and it helps a lot.
Mom realizes that doing too much makes her symptoms worse and she is taking it easy for now. It takes a lot of patience for her to take it easy as she is very use to keeping busy all day.